

To be the leading real estate development company in providing the quality and innovations of products and services for customers in all target segments under the social sustainability approach.


Product and Service Quality

  • Create long-term competitive advantage by focusing on the best quality products and services for customers in all target segments.
  • Focus on innovations of new products and services to accurately and timely respond to customer needs.

Work Life Quality

  • Create positive work environment and culture, enhance employee benefits to promote efficiency and happiness at work.


  • Operate in accordance with laws, with transparency, that can be audited at every stage.
  • Support and encourage employees to develop their potentials in various fields as applicable to their responsibilities for their career advancement.

Social Quality

  • Social quality of the project: Focus on pleasant and environmental friendly living place, as well as providing convenience and safety for customers.
  • Social quality of the surrounding community: Support and be responsible for surrounding communities where the company and its subsidiaries operate, as well as general society.

Investment Quality

  • Improve efficiency of company’s operation and investment in order to achieve a sustainable growth in profitability.